Monday, September 17, 2007

What is the delta in your life?

When did change suddenly become a prerequisite for happiness? Is life really that boring? I say absolutely not. Life is merely what you make of it. Have you ever seen a small child find the greatest amusement in the simplest thing?

For that same reason:

Shouldn't I be happy that I can open and close my hand?
Shouldn't I be happy that I can afford to feed myself?
Shouldn't I be happy that I have friends and family that love me?

Why shouldn't these things make me satisfied and appreciative of my life? Everyone doesn't have these "gifts" in life. And yet I take these things for granted constantly.

I get depressed because every girl doesn't think I am attractive.
I get unpatient and unhappy when things don't fall into place exactly as I hoped they would.

To get back the title of this blog, I need to learn to be able to be happy in the small deltas that occur in my life. I need to open my eyes to the perspective of a child and realize that going to get an ice cream cone truly is an exceptional and amazing thing. I should take pride in where I am in life and learn to see the bigger picture when it comes to my happiness.


trishaparker said...

girls think you're attractive. they might just be the ugly ones though like me

nick whalen said...

screw happiness. screw ice cream. big ups to adventures.